The main Cavalier API facilitates all of the core functionalities. You are able to trace shipments, obtain quotes and submit orders.

Not all fields are required depending on which type of API call is being made.

Details about each variable available and required for the type are listed below, and are all determined by the initial type variable.

After you select the type variable in this form you will be shown the relevant variable fields.


The variable type defines API submission as Trace, Quote or Order Entry. This is a required field. Valid values include: T, Q, O

Bill Number

The variable billNumber is used to trace your shipment status.

This is the identifying number provided by Cavalier when an order is created.

Service Level

The variable serviceLevel specifies the level of service being applied to shipment. It is an optional input for types Q & O. Valid values include: REGULAR, EXPEDITE, HANDLING, SHUNT, and RAIL
Default is REGULAR.


The variable email is a required variable for the API, it is person who will receive the confirmation email for the API submission

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Name

The variable origName is used to define the destination name where the shipment is being picked up.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Address 1

The variable origAddress1 is used to define the origin address of a shipment.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Address 2

The variable origAddress2 is used to define the origin address line 2 of a shipment.

Origin City

The variable origCity is used to define the starting city of a shipment.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Province

The variable origProv is used to define the starting province of a shipment using the standard two letter abbreviation.

When using Quebec, make sure to use the notation PQ

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Postal Code

The variable origPC is used to define the starting postal code of a shipment.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Country

The variable origCountry is used to define the starting country of a shipment.

Valid values include: CA for Canada, US for the United States and MX for Mexico.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Contact

The variable origContact is used to define the origin contact's name

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Origin Phone

The variable origPhone is used to define the origin's phone number

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Start Zone

The variable startZone Specifies the Starting zone of the bill.

Option field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O), this overrides the zone determined by the city/province inputs and should only be used if a custom zone is required at the instruction of Cavalier

Destination Name

The variable destName is used to define the destination name where the shipment is being delivered.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Address 1

The variable destAddress1 is used to define the destination address of a shipment.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Address 2

The variable destAddress2 is used to define the destination address line 2 of a shipment.

Destination City

The variable destCity is used to define the destination city of a shipment.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Province

The variable destProv is used to define the destination province of a shipment, using the standard two letter abbreviation.

When using Quebec, make sure to use the notation PQ

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Postal Code

The variable destPC is used to define the ending postal code of a shipment.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Country

The variable destCountry is used to define the starting country of a shipment.

Valid values include: CA for Canada, US for the United States and MX for Mexico.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Contact

The variable destContact is used to define the destination contatact's name

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Destination Phone

The variable destPhone is used to define the destination's phone number

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

End Zone

The variable endZone is used to define the end zone for a of a shipment.

Option field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O), this overrides the zone determined by the city/province inputs and should only be used if a custom zone is required at the instruction of Cavalier


The pieces variable is the number of units being shipped, typically sent as skids. Must be a number.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Pieces Units

The piecesUnits variable works with pieces to specify type of shipment units. The default unit is SKD, specifying the shipment as being comprised of skidded freight. The valid values include SKD for skids, CR for crates, DRW for drawers, LFT for lifts, and TOT for totes.


The weight variable is the total weight of the shipment, standartd unit is lb. Must be a number.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Weight Units

The weightUnits variable along with weight to specify a cubic dimension different than the default of cubit feet. The valid values include LB (although it is applied by default), and KG.


The cube variable is the number of units being shipped, standartd unit is cubic feet. Must be a number.

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Cube Units

The cubeUnits variable along with cube to specify a cubic dimension different than the default of cubit feet. The valid values include CUF for cubic feet (although it is applied by default), and CU for cubic meters.


The distance variable is the distance between, standard unit is miles. Must be a number.

Distance Units

The distanceUnits variable along with distance to specify a distance other than the mile default. The valid values include MI for miles (although it is applied by default), and KM for kilometres.


The area variable is used to specify whether the shipment is a full load or if it is an LTL shipment. By default LTL is the value used for orders entered and the rate quotes. Valid values are 0 for Less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments and 1 for truckload (TL) shipments.

Area Units

Varaiable areaUnits uses the default LD


This is a small description for volume.


This is a small description for volumeUnits.

Dangerous Goods

The dangerousGoods variable is used to specify whether the shipment is a dangerous good/ is a hazardous shipment. Valid values are: True or False

Default is False

Required field for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Temperature Controlled

The tempControlled variable is used to specify whether the shipment requires Protect from freezing services, or protection from overheating. Valid values are: True or False

Default is False

Field is used for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)

Ship Instructions

The shipInstuct variable is used to list the shipping requirements for a shipment. Use the Ship Instruction API to see corresponding types. The values must be submitted as comma seperated numbers.

Field is used for Quotes and Order entries (Type Q & O)


The variable description specifies the type of freight that is being shipped

Field is used for Order entries (Type O)

Access Key

The variable key is a is used tied to your company account with Cavalier. This is a required variable for all API queries. A Cavalier representative can provide you with a unique API Key. Please keep safe and do not share with unauthorized parties

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